Preparing your garden for winter
By | 11th May 16

For those lucky enough to have a garden to love, we’ve got some tips to get your garden winter ready so when spring time comes you are able to enjoy the rewards of your preparation!

Although it may appear that your plants are dormant through the cooler months, there’s actually a lot happening in the soil. Dig a little deeper and earthworms and microbes are processing all the organic material present in the soil and around the plant roots. It’s a good time to spread new mulch over your garden – see it as a winter blanket to protect your soil and plants over the next few months. It will help keep the temperature even and ready for spring.

Lawn maintenance – If your lawn is looking a bit worse for wear, then take this tip as a gift as autumn is the best time to revitalise it! Apply a layer of autumn lawn feed on affected areas and make sure you improve drainage in spots close to footpaths using garden your prongs to aerate.

Maintain Garden Equipment – Take this time to send your lawnmower for a service or tidy up your gardening tools. As the weather cools and growth slows down, it’s time to get your handy tools and equipment ready for spring. Use linseed oil for any wooden handles, not only will it help clean, the linseed oil will also protect it.

Clean your compost bin – Cleaning your compost does a number of things, not only will you have a clean place to work in spring, it also encourages you to spread what’s left inside amongst your garden. Autumn and winter are great months to sow winter veggies and evergreens so if you’re looking for ideas to use your extra compost here’s your chance!


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